My reading list for 2014

I’m a notoriously slow reader, so what follows maybe a few weeks, months or the whole year’s worth of reading. In any case, I’ve cleared of my bedside table, called a jubilee for lost reading opportunities, and have replaced them with the following:

  1. Dorothy C. Bass, editor. Practising the faith. 1997.
  2. Douglas John Hall. Thinking the faith. 1991.
  3. Michael P. Katz. The undeserving poor. 2nd edition. 2013.
  4. Daniel Sack. Whitebread Protestants: food and religion in American culture. 2000. Read.
  5. Slavoj Žižek. The year of dreaming dangerously. 2012.


By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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