Time to recharge the bedside (and bus-riding laptop) book pile. This is what I’m reading now:
- Margaret Visser. 1991. The Rituals of Dinner.
- E. Merton Coulter. 1928. College Life in the Old South.
- Albert C. Outler, ed. 1964. John Wesley.
- Douglas John Hall. 1991. Thinking the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context.
- Dorothy C. Bass, ed. Practicing the Faith.
- Martin B. Copenhaver et al. 1999. Good News in Exile.
- Ann Lee Bressler. 2001. The Universalist Movement in America, 1770-1880.
Goodness Gracious! Doesn’t every UGA history major have to read Coulter? Franklin College of Georgia was even crazier in the old days. At least that and “The Rituals of Dinner” seem a break from historical theology. Read your blog regularly.
Good heavens. No fiction?
Just added to the pile “Love & Hate in Jamestown” and “Jamestown Rediscovery – the first ten years” but that’s from yesterday. By tomorrow you can expect to have some Williamsburg history as well.
*smiles fondly at the mention of Coulter*