This is an outline of Service Eleven from Hymns of the Spirit, previously mentioned. I’ve removed a couple of prayers, including the litany, written by Von Ogden Vogt, and which are probably copyrighted. More about what it means later.
The Service may begin with a Chorale, an Introit, a Processional Hymn, or with selected Sentences.
Prayer of Confession,
by the Minister and people:
[in full, deleted here]
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit.
Praise ye the Lord.
The Lord’s name be praised.
Hymn or Anthem
First Lesson
if desired.
Second Lesson
if desired.
Then the Minister may say:
Here endeth the reading of the lesson.
by the Minister, the responses to be said or sung by the people:
Let us pray. O Lord, show thy mercy upon us.
And grant us thy salvation.
O God, make clean our heart within us.
And take not thy holy Spirit from us.
[Bidding collect, then litany with sung response.]
Organ Devotional Interlude
ending with the music of the following chant.
Now unto God, the unseen fount of all our life,
And source of all wisdom and strength,
Be glory and majesty, dominion and pow’r, forever and ever. Amen.
Act of Affirmation
to be said by the Minister and people, standing.
[In full, here deleted. Not familiar to me.]
Organ postlude
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