Following up on the last post. Back in 1939, Universalist National Memorial Church (evidently) used the 1917 Universalist Hymns of the Church — not a well-loved hymnal in its own day if sales figures indicate. (The older Church Harmonies dominated until Hymns of the Spirit.) It was probably too formal for most Universalist churches, so well-pitched for “the Washington parish.”
Here’s what they sung that day. Quite a typical assortment of liberal hymnody.
- Processional Hymn 93, “O Thou Great Friend to All the Sons of Men“
- Venite Chant
- Psalm Selection 9, or rather just half of a very long responsive reading
- Hymn 223 “O Master Let Me Walk with Thee“
- Hymn 259 “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling“