Because, really, you’ve come to expect that here. We’ll be referring back to this. A follow-on from yesterday.
The first, 1785 edition of the King’s Chapel Book of Common Prayer is the same as the Church of England Book of Common Prayer, unless a difference is noted in the right column, with minor variations excepted.
BCP 1662,KC BCP 1785
Exhortation: “Dearly beloved brethren…”,
General confession,
Absolution,Choice of prayer of forgiveness (apparently lower theology of the clergy)
Lord’s Prayer,
““O Lord, open thou our lips…””,
Gloria Patri,“Now unto the King eternal…” (1 Timonty 1:17; Romans 16:27)
“Praise ye the Lord…”,
Venite (Psalm 95),
Gloria Patri,“Now unto the King eternal…” (1 Timonty 1:17; Romans 16:27)
Gloria Patri,“Now unto the King eternal…” (1 Timonty 1:17; Romans 16:27)
First lesson (Old Testament) with introduction and closing,
Te Deum or,
Benedicite opera omnia (Song of the Three Children 35-66),Psalm 145
Second lesson (New Testament) with introduction and closing,
“Benedictus (Luke 1:68-79), or”,
Jubilate Deo (Psalm 100),
Apostles Creed,
“The Lord be with you…”,
“Let us pray”,
Kyries,no Kyries
Shorter Lord’s Prayer,no Shorter Lord’s Prayer
Suffrages,”Suffrages, with reference to the monarch omitted)”
“The Lord be with you…”,no “The Lord be with you…”
Collect of the Day,
Collect for Peace,
Collect for Grace,
Anthem,no provision for Anthem
“The Litany (flip to that), or”,”The Litany (embedded; shortened, removing high Christological and royal references and Kyries), or”
“Three collects: for the King’s majesty, for the sovereign and for the clergy and the people”,”Four collects when Litany not read: for the Congress of the United States, for the clergy and people, for All Conditions of Men, and for reception of petitions”
,General Thanksgiving
A prayer of St. Chrysostom,
Grace (2 Corinthians 13:13),
The BCP that I was given at my confirmation at Emanuel Parish in 1961 appears to be the 1790 version. I’ve never thought to compare it closely to the KC BCP, although the one I have of that is the 1986 version. Thanks for reading these so closely and drawing the parallels.