It isn’t all about the Windsor Report.
A few things I’m noting or watching, after the jump.
- To consider a commemoration for the “Four Chaplains” (B008)
- To urge full voting representation for residents of the District of Columbia (B021)
- “[T]o collect and develop materials to assist members of the Church to address anti-Jewish prejudice expressed in and stirred by portions of Christian scriptures and liturgical texts, with suggestions for preaching, congregational education, and lectionary use . . . .” (C001)
- To make the Revised Common Lectionary, as adapted, an alternate Eucharistic lectionary. (D011)
- To close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. (D028)
- An amendment to the Canons, a la Presbyterian Church (USA), mandating for clergy sexual expression within heterosexual marriage alone or a “single and celibate life.” (D067)
- To continue Moravian-Episcopalian dialog. (D080)
this resolution, C001, strikes me as a terrific thing for the church universal to be about. I noted with interest Jack Danforth’s advice to his denomination to stop focusing on the inside baseball stuff that one tenth of one percent of the people care about, and start reconciling the world.
This resolution, something every denomination should be about (and I suspect but do not know the UCC has already done), is striking and follows Danforth’s advice beautifully:
“[T]o collect and develop materials to assist members of the Church to address anti-Jewish prejudice expressed in and stirred by portions of Christian scriptures and liturgical texts, with suggestions for preaching, congregational education, and lectionary use . . . .†(C001)
Has the UUA made such a statement? Perhaps a good thing for the UUCF to consider.
I wrote on the transfiguration once at Wesley. One of my favorite papers, for Sharon Ringe, editor of the Women’s Bible Commentary. It addressed how to consider the story, post-shoah. Now, how to bring that paper to life in my congregation???
Roger Butts, Davenport, IA