Lynn Calvin does us non-attenders a favor by reflecting on some of the activities she’s seen at General Assembly. (Thanks for the head’s up in the comments of an earlier posting, Lynn.) Hers seem to be the only in-situ comments, understanding of course that Philocrites has his day job to do there, and at least two other bloggers are UUCF officials (and are probably time constrained.)
The blog: City of Lights
You’ll be happy to know, Scott, that a toast was made in your honor over dinner this evening by H.P., T.S., P.B., J.B.-S., E.K.H., and myself. You may amuse yourself by figuring out the owners of these initials…
I’d love to try to get together an informal blogging group for GA next year. Part of what kept me from getting more up was that I had the choice being by myself with the laptop or being social.
Of course for those who don’t want talking and socialness while they are writing this wouldn’t work… and I know these people exist, I’m just not one of them.
Also, Lance Brown was blogging