Akron (Ohio) Universalist Church Covenant

This is for Jamie Goodwin, who writes at Trivium. [2009. No longer.] The following comes from Universalism and Problems of the Universalist Church by William Frost Crispin (1888). This is one of the books I listed earlier today as being available from Google Books for PDF download.

It is book on Universalism by a Universalist published outside Boston — Akron, Ohio specifically — which was becoming less frequent towards the end of the nineteenth century.  This church covenant, published with a number of useful church administration aids, is not especially inspiring, but I think few were.

Covenant of the Akron Universalist Church

Cherishing these truths, we do solemnly promise and covenant, in the presence of God and the brethren here assembled, that we will work with this Church in the spirit of Christian fellowship and love, that we will devoutly endeavor to conform our lives to the standard of the Christian virtues of fath, hope and charity. We do solemnly covenant and promise that we will not unnecessarily absent ourselves from the public religious services of this Church, and that we will do whatever within us lies to promote the aims and purposes for which the Christian Church exists, to the end that we may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of the truth, remembering that, without holiness, no man shall see the Lord, no forgetting that, in keeping of His commandments, there is great reward. (p. 314-35)

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. how cool is that?

    It is very neat to be part of a church with such a long and in depth history… that said, I would hate to try to have to memorize that covenant, or read it as a unison affirmation!

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