An eye on the Revised Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act

On or about July 15, the mandatory congressional review period will pass and — barring action from the Hill — the District of Columbia Official Code Title 29 (Business Organizations) Enactment Act of 2009 (PDF, as enrolled) will become law. As you can guess, it has been a long time coming and is a comprehensive redo of the law.

One provision would update the provisions for unincorporated nonprofit associations based on the updated uniform act, and should make the creation and administration of information, club-sized nonprofits clearer. For one thing, it provides some default provisions for organizing, such as powers reserved to membership, and a definition for rules, managers and membership. No substitute for an organizing document, like articles of association, nor does it get into IRS tax-exempt boilerplate.

A search will pull up briefing papers that will explain it better than I can. But I’m excited, and plan to say more closer to the date.

I’m still not a lawyer and I never give legal advice.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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