
Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of Saints! No sacrifice of personal ease, no work of charity, no word of the heart, no answer to the plea of sorrow, no a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, shall fail of its reward.

Blessed be Thou, O righteous Father, for the merciful mission of the Redeemer; and blessed be the Redeemer who came to do Thy will, � through lowliness to exalt humanity, through poverty to enrich the world.

Deeper than words was the joy set before him, and higher than the dominion of the earth is the honor of his name. They valley of humility was consecrated by hs shining footsteps; and the path he trod, though solemn and lonely, led upward through the gates of day, from the cross to the crown.

O God the King of Glory, who hast exalted the Lord of Life to the right hand of power: Grant us the indwelling of his spirit, that we may faithfully follow him in the regeneration, be more than conquerers through him who loved us, and gain the empire of souls.

Inspire our thoughts of a higher life, that we may feel how divine a thing it is to rise above ourselves, by outgrowing selfish aims � and how we may be lifted into peace through sharpest suffering � and how the kingdom of heaven comes down into the heart, when the affections are set on things above.

Thou art continually exalting the Saviour in all willing minds, and art ever calling upon Thy redeemed one to honor him as they honor Thee. Make us entirely Thine, we beseech Thee, that in all our thoughts and ways, in life, and in death, and in the life beyond, we may truth acknowledge the Lord of All, to the glory of Thy holy name, world without end. Amen.

  • “Ascension – Exaltation” in Gospel Liturgy, p, 68-69. The liturgy suggests using [psalm] selection 5, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness there of” (from Psalm 24) and Ephesians i. 3-23, or iv. 1-16 as the scripture lesson.

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