How does the blog look now? Please note your operating system and browser, and if it seems freakishly large or normal.
Personal and cultural reflections, plus the District of Columbia and some Esperanto
How does the blog look now? Please note your operating system and browser, and if it seems freakishly large or normal.
Looks good in Safari. Nice, clean theme you’ve got here.
Looks normal to me.
Whew — I think it’s fixed.
fine on Firefox
Freakishly large on this end. Seems to be something to do with being in archive section or mode.
@Jane Redmont: what operating systems and browser do you use?
On WindowsXP, Explorer – The font looks waaaay big, also, nothing shows but the type (no graphics, etc.). The posts also look like they are centered, rather than left-justified. Is that the look you intended?
@Earthbound Spirit.
No, that’s not the plan; thanks for the reply. OK, this template is broken somehow. IE is a bear to write for. A shame since it really looks good when it works (on every other browser!) and apparently is the new darling of the WordPress world. I’ll have to make my own.
For once I’m not sure it was IE. I had the same problem viewing it as Earthbound Spirit using Firefox and Linux.
Now I really am mystified.
It looks fine now. I have IE on this computer and FireFox on the other. I think it was IE I was using yesterday when it was all huge and non-graphic. It looks nice, by the way!
The problem. Trying to memo out a line in the template’s header than removing it. Himmel!
I think it is extremely handsome and beayootiful.
Also, your phone message today was Sondheim at its VERY FINEST. I howled.
Go to bed!
Looks good. Easy to read & navigate.