Here’s what I’m reading now. George Orwell’s 1984. Re-reading it after many years, but mostly because I read The Ministry of Truth: The Biography of George Orwell’s 1984 this summer. Delio Pereira de Souza’s Homanarismo: La Interna Ideo. (Esperanto Wikipedia page about the book.) A “modest commentary” of the religious philosophy of L. L. Zamenhof,… Continue reading Reading list
Author: Scott Wells
Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.
Carbon from electricity map
I’m a little obsessed by this mapping site showing the carbon burden from electrical generation and consumption in much of the world, including the “lower 48” and the District of Columbia. It makes me wonder why certain providers chose the energy mix they do, and how much of it is tied to politics over economics.… Continue reading Carbon from electricity map
Waking up, and page for tiny links
Well, I didn’t think it would be three years before I would write here again. Most of my writing (about Universalism and church administration) is at, but honestly I’ve not said much there either. Did the pandemic do that much to me? The collapse of Unitarian Universalist institutions and churches generally? Middle age? Perhaps.… Continue reading Waking up, and page for tiny links
A smaller web footprint
Every few years I want to slim down my web properties and internet use. The internet is a globally a large user of electricity, thus a large producer of greenhouse gas emissions. But the bigger pain are overbuilt sites that tax my computers and eat up my mobile phone data. Our “everything online” lives in… Continue reading A smaller web footprint
Resuming commentary
After moving my main site to I just about stopped writing here. Which seems like a waste, and worse makes this seem like an abandoned site. So I’ve decided to make this blog a weblog again and log helpful or interesting things I find in daily life.
How I journal today
I keep this blog for non-theological issues, last writing last September about disaster preparedness. That’s weighed on me lately, with the floods here in the East, volcanoes in Hawaii, fires in Greece and — above all — the unresolved crisis in Puerto Rico as the new hurricane season ramps up. So I’ll be writing up… Continue reading How I journal today
Preparing for emergencies: your plans?
It’s hard not to look at the suffering following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria plus the earthquakes in Mexico and not have deep empathy for those people suffering. (Indeed, you may be one of them.) As each disaster happened I wondered, “what would I do to prepare?” and drew on my Gulf Coast childhood memories… Continue reading Preparing for emergencies: your plans?
Ordo de Diservo fixed
Thanks to Richard Hurst for noting that encoding rot made the “Ordo de Diservo” — Order of Worship — unreadable, even for those who do read Esperanto. Should be all fixed, here and at, where I write slighly more frequently.
Ten non-resolutions for 2017
So, it’s 2017 now. I’m in that group of people who wants to make New Year’s resolutions, but doesn’t keep them well. I’ve made ill-fated resolutions about losing weight so many times that I’ve given up on them. I’ll try these ten non-resolutions instead: Try to keep my sodium intake down. That should help with… Continue reading Ten non-resolutions for 2017
Archived pages fixed
Now that this blog supports interests aside from those feature on my main blog,, I don’t write for it so much. And at some point, the individual pages links became corrupt. You could see posts on the front page, but couldn’t click through. I’ve now fixed this and regret the disruption to would-be readers.