Back from Baltimore

Hubby and I took a short break from Washington . . . by going to our grossly under-appreciated neighbor Baltimore. We’re back, hon, enjoyed it to pieces, and I’ll gladly make some recommendations to anyone who asks. And, yes, in the birthplace of Edgar Allen Poe, we did see ravens.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. When I think of underappreciated American cities, I have to nominate Chicago first and then Philadelphia. Baltimore doesn’t really rate for me, but I’m glad you had fun. Moo…xxx

  2. I love Baltimore. Growing up in DC as a pre-Nationals O’s fan, we mostly just went to Camden Yards and the nice renovated waterfront part of the city, but the rest of it is great, too, in a less contrived and wholesome sort of way.

    One quibble: Poe died and is buried in Baltimore, but he was born in Boston. He came South when his parents died and were taken in by some folks (relatives, I believe) in Richmond, VA.

  3. When you went to Baltimore, did you visit the First Unitarian Church where William Channing gave his 1819 sermon on “Unitarian Christianity”?

  4. @ Dudley. I’ve been to First Unitarian, Baltimore before. For this trip, our train arrived after the Sunday service so I didn’t try to steer Hubby inside. (I like the ministers.) We did stay near it and had to have walked within a block of it a dozen times.

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