Beauty tips for the boys: alpha hydroxy

I have always had big pores, blemishes (especially whiteheads) and uneven skin. Were I a woman, I suspect someone (PeaceBang? but see note below) would have come to my aid a long time ago with just the thing I need to clear up my face. Probably something expensive. But men are supposed to be rugged, scaly and bumpy, right? No. Hubby has a fine, smooth peaches and cream complexion that makes people think he’s much younger than he is. I could do better.

So now I wash twice daily with a mild vegetable glycerin soap (the same I shave with; $0.99 at Whole Foods) and apply an 8% alpha hydroxy moisturizer to exfoliate. I’ve been happy with the results. It can and does tingle, and I’m sure it isn’t for everyone so follow the package instructions.

I use Kiss My Face Peaches & Creme Moisturizer 8% — again, Whole Foods ($9) . I only wish it didn’t smell so peachy, but that’s better than the last kind I had that smelled like white glue.

P.s. PeaceBang did come to Hubby’s and my aid three years ago today, and I’m grateful to her for it.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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