Bible exhibit at Smithsonian Asian art museum

Hubby and I spent more than an hour at the Sackler Gallery, one of the Smithsonian museums (with its twin, the Freer) that gets less than its fair share of visitors despite it having some of the most interesting ancient and modern art installations. When you think Asian art, think the Freer and Sackler.

But when you think of Asian art, do you think of the Bible? Most of the Bible was written in Asia, and so come also many of the oldest texts and associated illuminations and covers found at In the Beginning: Bibles before the Year 1000. Indeed, the African art museum across the courtyard would have right to be proud of the Coptic texts and examples come from as far afield as Georgia, Britain and Ireland.

But Hubby and I were pushed out at closing time. Give yourself at least an hour and a half — more if you try to pick out letters and words from the texts — plus another half hour in line. The exhibit is free but is so popular as to have controlled entry.

Until January 7, 2007.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


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