The text of the sermon I preached today can be gotten at the church website. I’m not usually a manuscript preacher, so the text represents about a 70% overlap with what I really said. Enjoy.
Personal and cultural reflections, plus the District of Columbia and some Esperanto
The text of the sermon I preached today can be gotten at the church website. I’m not usually a manuscript preacher, so the text represents about a 70% overlap with what I really said. Enjoy.
Scott. Wells! I should have known you’d have a blog, you cutting-edge dude, you! I saw you in my referrer logs and blogrolled you immediately.
Have you seen Hope’s blog? Do you know of any other Demosthenian bloggers out there?
How cool is this. Slowly, we re-form…on the web!
And hey! Am I a sheep or a goat? ;D