Blog in review: October-December 2003

This period included the longest break in blogging I’ve ever taken: not from Hubby’s and my honeymoon but from the final meltdown in my last pastorate. Not good days, but there are a few posts worth recalling.

Hymn list I

Thursday, October 16th, 2003

In the extended entry I’ve placed my first list of useful hymns, culled from the list of 150 chosen by the Consulation on Ecumenical Hymnody. No Christmas hymns are included, and I’ve picked the ones that look good for unaccompanied singing.

Lay pastors and their training

Monday, October 20th, 2003

If there are going to be more Unitarian or Universalist (or both) Christian churches, some are going to be too small, too poor, or too remote to call a minister in fellowship.

Issues around unconventional lay pastoral leadership

Thursday, October 23rd, 2003

As you, Dear Reader, can tell, the issue of lay pastoral leadership has gotten my attention recently, in part because it gets to the issue of “equipping the saints,” providing new options for new church leadership, and for the UUA to keep covenant with small congregations, whether they are rural Universalist and (quasi-)Christian, or suburban

Universalist mascot?

Monday, October 27th, 2003

As I’ve said before, UCA can mean Universalist Church of America. That said, I think I’ve found the Universalists (generally) a much-needed mascot.

Help from the Navy (et alia, with lay persons leading worship)

Tuesday, October 28th, 2003

I was telling a colleague-friend of some Navy resources I’ve found that might make a good basis for equipping and training lay worship leaders and assistants (there are so many names for this ministry, I scarcely know where to begin) and I thought I’d share them here, too.

Polity quandries and the UUA Bylaws

Wednesday, October 29th, 2003

Disclosure #1: In my hypothetical church planting exercises, I believe that UUA membership would be desirable, but not essential, to the welfare of the church.

Disclosure #2: Rules — in this case the UUA bylaws — are not made to be broken, but imagination must be applied to them

A Free Christian liturgy, online

Monday, November 17th, 2003How did I miss this? This comes from The Chapel in the Garden, Bridport, Dorset, has its service of communion, and morning prayer (with evening prayer to come) on its website. It is a member of the Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, evidently on the Free Christian side.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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