Sparse blogging in October 2005 lead to a twice-a-day blogfest in December. I’ll not relink them, but I also transcribed the obituaries of Universalist ministers who died young on November 2. Likewise, I wrote about the then-new Commission on Appraisal report just before Christmas.
Guest: What is Ballou’s Treatise about?
Thursday, October 6th, 2005
. . . . this interpretation of Ballou beggers reason.
The UUA as the font of Unitarianism and Universalism?
Monday, October 10th, 2005
A friend stays — he’s also a Trinitarian Universalist — because (paraphrasing) the UUA should not be bereft of a part of the body of Christ.
UU clergy sexual misconduct roll call
Wednesday, October 12th, 2005
The Rev. Dan Harper commented on some of the things that bug him about the Unitarian Universalist Association; one is “and too much tolerance of clergy sexual misconduct.”
Personal M.Div.
Tuesday, November 15th, 2005
Jordan Cooper, (also here) had already made the mental leap to the “personal M.Div.” and have already written about it.
John (Murray) the Obscure
Tuesday, November 15th, 2005
A better memorial to John Murray than wreaths would be a serious review of his theology — its boundaries and limitations included — without trying to make him more like Ballou or Winchester or anyone else, and so he may be appreciated fairly, or laid to rest.
Merger? Meltdown?
Friday, November 18th, 2005
OK, first, does anyone have any hard numbers or links to reports about what’s going on at Meadville/Lombard? This doesn’t sound at all good. [Since Meadville/Lombard’s problems are back on the radar.]
Fighting Lombards!?
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
. . . one of my favorite typefaces, Lombardic, by Manfred Klein.
Because your friends won’t tell you: Liturgical candle lighting
Sunday, December 4th, 2005
If you are leading (some part of) worship and this involves lighting a candle before the congregation — this could be an Advent wreath, a flaming chalices, candles punctuating prayer or its alternative, or what have you — light it with some ceremony.
Accidential clericalism
Tuesday, December 6th, 2005
There’s a curious Unitarian Universalist practice where a good number of ministers use the writings of other Unitarian Universalist ministers “as a reading” for the pulpit, elevating to the defacto level of scripture.
Frederick Denison Maurice
Friday, December 9th, 2005
A man and model for our age, too, I think.
Saturday, December 10th, 2005
Seeing the last of the World War One vets — none under 104 years old — die reminds me both of the twin frailty and ruggedness of human life, and the lost opportunity for a more progressive world. [Today, 11 remain.]
A simplified Christmas service
Sunday, December 18th, 2005
A colleague — no names — asked around for ideas for a very simple Christmas service. Can’t help but oblige seeing as I’ve been there myself and — who are we kidding? — I love this stuff.