Bloggers in DC? at Revival?

So, Philo is scaring up interest in another Boston-area blogger picnic and he’s been asked about a meet-up at General Assembly.

Well, is there enough interest among DC-area bloggers and readers to have an event here?

Also, since it seemed for a while (now past) that blogging was some kind of UU Christian conspiracy, it seems worthwhile to ask about a meet-up at the Unitarian Universalist Christian Revival conference this November in New York.

Categorized as Bloggers

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Well, I offered to host a dinner at GA some months ago. And many people said they would come. So don’t count me out as the Blogger’s Pearl Mesta in St. Louis, geez.

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