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While I was reading the Class Matters site, promoted by Victoria Weinstein, who heard it from Hafidha Sofia (Never Say Never to Your Traveling Self), I noted

  • the UU blogger who left a comment, which as a state land-grant university educated person I appreciated.
  • how it hurts a little because it reminds me of how low-class I sometimes have felt in Unitarian Universalist settings. Former blogger Matthew Gatheringwater coined or used the term “governess class” to describe overeducated people of modest backgrounds, like me; see his comment at Philocrites. I overcome the hurt — softer now — by hammering away and outlasting, and no, I wouldn’t trade my background for anything. I’m quite proud of my family’s and my accomplishments, thank you. Even the moonshiners. And don’t think you’re complementing me for “not sounding Southern.”
  • the most helpful article in explaining my perpetual anger and eye-rolling about the ways of certain self-indulgent Unitarian Universalists. File this under “unnecessary weirdness” and please remember I want a chair if you’re holding a meeting.
  • if I ever start a church, I will wear my Sunday Best and, when presiding or preaching, proper clerical vesture. (I hadn’t thought how my class position might be a reason I have written about this so much.)

It’s not ‘them’ — it’s us!” by Betsy Leondar-Wright (Class Matters)

With this entry, I open the category Class

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Oddly enough, folks here in my native SC think my accent is Ohio! but nobody north of the NC-Tenn line ever thinks I am from anywhere but the south….

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