Bus between DC and Philadelphia

I’m one of those odd people that enjoys bus travel, and (like many) a bargain.

I’ve long been a fan of “Chinatown buses” but perplexed that these various lines have served New York from Washington and Philadelphia, but there was no service between Washington and Philadelphia.

The matter has been corrected. New Century Travel now offers two trips each way, for $15 one way, or $28 round trip. I’ve not taken it, and the service is basic if the other buses I’ve seen are any measure.

But since Amtrak is almost $100 for the same round trip service, I’ll take the bus.

Just a non-theological word for those who need a ride.

Categorized as General

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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