DC has some wonderfully freaky religious cable access broadcasting, so nothing new there. But I’m just slack-jawed. I read “ancient astronaut”/UFOs in the Bible stuff when I was a kid, so I should be used to this, but I’m not. But I love this stuff.
The scene, a sound stage with talk-show chair and parlor palms, and a blue screen covered puppet theater. Images of nebulae and the like on the blue screen.
Imagine a little-green-man puppet singing a song about the Bible revelation of life on other planets.
Oh, now a Dead Sea Scrolls quotations.
And a responsive reading from 2 Kings. Between “Chip the Black Boy” (I kid you not, a ventrilloquist’s dummy) and “Buzz James Scott” who is perfectly human. Heavens!
I wonder if it comes one DC Comcast 6 every Tuesday at 6:00 pm?
Here’s a page that talks about one of the song writers (the only song writer?) David Nkrumah Liebe Hart I found when I Googled him.
Later. A “fan” page.