If you come over to Boyinthebands.com and haven’t been able to see new posts without reloading, please try now. (I’ve reverted themes to rule out theming as a problem.)
Please comment noting your browser and operating system. Thanks.
Personal and cultural reflections, plus the District of Columbia and some Esperanto
If you come over to Boyinthebands.com and haven’t been able to see new posts without reloading, please try now. (I’ve reverted themes to rule out theming as a problem.)
Please comment noting your browser and operating system. Thanks.
Yup, that fixed the problem. I’m using Firefox Thanks for the change, Scott.
Spoke too soon. I can now see new posts whenever I surf in, but I still don’t see new comments until I refresh.
That seems to have fixed it for me (IE7).
It happened to me again today. I knew from that you had a new post, but I had to refresh (and mightily!) to see it. Like Jeff W., I’m using Firefox v.
The last post I saw for many, many days was “Geeks and God.” Since you said you wouldn’t be blogging as much, I didn’t think to refresh my browser. Then I was off-line for four days. I came back to over a dozen new BitB posts. Wow, what a smorgesbord!
Firefox; all looks fine now.
The problem has returned. The site doesn’t load new content unless I hit Refresh. (Mac OS 10.4.10, Safari 2.0.4)
Well, I’m stumped. For some people, the problem never ended. I can’t find a trouble ticket about it and — as of yesterday afternoon — this is the newest WordPress version. Y’all will have to refresh.