One of my favorite repeat episodes of The Simpsons was on tonight: the one telling the story of the first Halloween. The one where Marge turns out to be a witch, and where she and her sisters inaugurate trick-or-treating. (Remember? Salem Flanderses: “Wouldn’t you rather have gingerbread children?” “They’re boneless.”) It is also the one… Continue reading The first caramel cod
Category: Art and culture
Favorite flash
If you’ve got the bandwidth, then take a gander at my favorite use — a bit bombastic and over-much, but fun — of church-related Flash animation. It never fails to make me smile. Not entirely sure why. Armenian Catholicosate of Cicilia Something to post while I plow through some new content management options. Perhaps something… Continue reading Favorite flash
Sweetser’s Universalism Explained, part eight
Continued from Sweetser’s Universalism Explained, part seven It was necessary, therefore, in order to save men, that in some way God should reveal His great love to mankind. This He gas done through His Son Jesus Christ, whom He sent into the world for the special purpose of saving it. “We have seen and do… Continue reading Sweetser’s Universalism Explained, part eight