Should Christian worship have non-biblical readings?

Having non-biblical readings has become such a canon among mainline Unitarian Universalists that Unitarian Universalist Christians face a crisis on the subject of readings. Is it proper to have non-biblical readings in worship? The question of authority isn’t clear-cut. My home library has several works of daily readings: selected sections meant to be read regularly… Continue reading Should Christian worship have non-biblical readings?

Quick introduction to biblical archeology and terminology

I’m a slow reader. If I can learn something from a video in a few minutes or an hour, rather than reading, I will… The Bible’s Buried Secrets — an episode of Nova —  is a great example, if you want to learn the documentary hypothesis and the development of the Torah and ancient Israel.

Categorized as Bible

Holy Saturday 2015

Like each Holy Saturday, I spent the morning reading The Dream of the Rood, in this translation. Not many churches have a Holy Saturday service, so I observe it by reading. This year I’m adding 1 Peter, because of the text (3:18b-19, NRSV) He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in… Continue reading Holy Saturday 2015

The arranged reading (for Christmas and otherwise)

It’s a given that old hymns may be re-arranged to suit the particular service better, even if it’s just to choose some verses and not others. And responsive readings are often edited from their source documents to better suit the occasion. Readings for preaching are chosen, and are sometimes edited for inclusive language, but I… Continue reading The arranged reading (for Christmas and otherwise)

Categorized as Bible, Worship

The New Testament and Psalter is in

I wrote about a New Testament with psalter I ordered; it arrived last Wednesday. It could be worse. I can imagine furtive looks about the “faith sharing” helps, and I might agree with you. But they’re moderate evangelical and are easy enough to ignore, in part because they assume a particular insider’s attitude to scripture… Continue reading The New Testament and Psalter is in

Categorized as Bible