Like Philocrites, all I have to do is look at the fourth finger of my left hand to remember why I should care about what’s going on with the Episcopalians. But this isn’t the first time that fiery bishops, certain that the central meaning of Episcopalianism was being subverted, have acted to form their own… Continue reading The first time this happened with the Episcopalians . . . .
Category: Christian Church
Formerly “Church Universal”.
Sad news from the other side of the world
Sad news about the six members of a religious order, the Melanesian Brotherhood, taken hostage in the Solomon Islands: a warlord confirms that all are dead. Please pray for the deceased. A news story from Australia and this official obituary fill-in the story. I first learned of the Melanesian Brotherhood when I found their liturgy,… Continue reading Sad news from the other side of the world
Heartbreak at a lost church
I cannot approve of what seems to be a last-minute derailment tactic by conservative Episcopalians in the nomination of Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire. And I also cannot pretend that the conservatives are not faithful people, and, if this vote passes, they will personally lose something. Consider this excerpt from a presentation by… Continue reading Heartbreak at a lost church
Something stinks in Minneapolis
Philocrites sums up my sense of what’s happening with Bishop-elect Robinson.