Bag surcharge bill to DC Council

Twelve of the thirteen members of the District of Columbia Council have introduced the Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act which includes a five-cent fee on disposable grocery bags, plastic or paper. Would be nice if it included other retailers — especially restaurants — but this probably gets the biggest number of bags off the… Continue reading Bag surcharge bill to DC Council

Welcome Fake Plastic Fish readers

Beth Terry included me today’s installment of Voices of the Plastic-Free Blogosphere, so welcome! In the next couple of weeks, I’ll write about ringing out the old year (and preparing for the new) with no-plastic and plastic-reduced ways to manage your office. Plus a couple of plastic-free Christmas cooking ideas.

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Answering Beth Terry’s questions

I was glad to have new visitors today, including Beth Terry (Fake Plastic Fish) who asked some getting-to-know you questions. What was it that first inspired you to eliminate plastic from your life? Was it a particular issue? News article? Experience? And when was this? Besides the obvious ones like carrying your own grocery bags… Continue reading Answering Beth Terry’s questions

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Comment page added

I’d love to hear from others interested in plastic-use reduction. Please contact me here.

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Comments active

Now that I have my settings set, I am allowing comments. Moderated for now. Welcome!

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It’s because of Beth

I’m just your ordinary Universalist-theology-church-administration-Ubuntu-Linux-District-of-Columbia kind of blogger. Why am I blogging on plastic use reduction? Beth Terry, that’s why, or rather, who. I’ve never met her, but she writes the Fake Plastic Fish blog, and it doesn’t fail to challenge and inspire. So first I commented there, and wrote a couple of associated blog… Continue reading It’s because of Beth

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