Well, I decided to hold off blogging today until I was done with, if not my tax forms, then my estimations and extensions. I normally look upon tax paying as a civic duty, but with the war in Iraq overseas, the administration’s war on gay families at home (I flinched at the “single” box on… Continue reading Taxing time
Category: District of Columbia
Little Jesus
Philocrites refers to Little India, which I would categorize as a Hindu children’s religious education. It is also very, very cute. It reminded me, graphically, of the earliest book I own, I Learn About Jesus. I got it at St. Ann’s Kintergarten not all that much after its 1972 publication date. It was printed by… Continue reading Little Jesus
No tax lawyer in the house
There are two Scott Wells-es in Washington, D.C. The other one is a tax lawyer. This time each year, I get scads of calls from people who use 411 instead of his business card. Indeed, he gets more calls than I do. When his law school alumni office called today, I realized I needed to… Continue reading No tax lawyer in the house
A Washington blogger meet?
I know ChaliceChick and I are in metro Washington — are there others? And might we meet like Philocrites, the Transparent Eye, PeaceBang and other might in Boston?
Another death we didn’t need
Some very bad news from DCist: City officials are reeling after a member of D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams’ cabinet was found dead in her home. Wanda Alston had served as advisor to the mayor as director of the D.C. Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs. . . . . The AP is reporting… Continue reading Another death we didn’t need
Snow, Baptists, groceries
Like Terrance, who lives all of three blocks from me, the new-fallen snow is changing the day’s plans. The Swedenborgians are closed again today, so I’ll be visiting one of my favorite neighborhood churches, First Baptist. Always a warm welcome, both from those who recognize me an those who don’t. Described rather cleverly as “Jimmy… Continue reading Snow, Baptists, groceries
My city on inauguration day
Helicopters and sirens. More helicopters and sirens. Better to stay in. Later. I love the city’s residents, for the most part. Coming back in with my carry-out dinner and ran into neighbors. He and his wife were back from demonstrating. Scads of police from more juristictions than you could imagine.
Christmas eve with the Swedenborgians
The Church of the Holy City (Swedenborgian) is the church I attend most Sundays. They will hold Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols at 4:00 pm — this might be the earliest Christmas Eve service in the city! — at the corner of 16th and Corcoran Streets, NW. If you need an early service intown Washington,… Continue reading Christmas eve with the Swedenborgians
Go back to Montreal
This isn’t about Universalism but Washington. As many of you might know, the former Montreal Expos were slated to become Washington’s new franchise, the Nationals, thus restoring pro baseball to the city since the loss of the Senators. If we are to believe Mayor Williams, this feat is crucial. But a large segment of the… Continue reading Go back to Montreal
London’s bus campaign for Washington
Bus-loving people will have already seen the London ‘My other car is a bus — new advertising campaign — I only wish I could get one of the bumper stickers! That said: Washington’s buses could use some more practical help, especially with the capacity of the Metrorail system being stretched towards breaking. We all know… Continue reading London’s bus campaign for Washington