Interested in giving feedback? Looking for help with new church

As you may know, I’m planning a new Universalist Christian church, and I’m working on a document that describes it shape and mission, particularly in light of the by-laws revision that passed at General Assembly this year. It’ll take a second passing vote — pretty darn likely — and conceives of non-local congregations within the… Continue reading Interested in giving feedback? Looking for help with new church

Commuting to church: D.C., elsewhere tool

The folk wisdom about getting to church is that people will go as far to a church as they will go to work. That makes commuting data important for church plants, but failing that assume that someone won’t take more than a half-hour to get there. There’s a new interesting tool that maps how far… Continue reading Commuting to church: D.C., elsewhere tool

I, for one, welcome our new UUA overlords

Fans of The Simpsons will get that title. PeaceBang opined that First Parish, YouTube from yesterday’s post might be First Religious Society, Carlisle, Massachusetts, but the video meetinghouse is missing Carlisle’s distintive clock. Not that I knew that from sight; instead, I went to to get a link to FRC Carlisle’s Web site. But… Continue reading I, for one, welcome our new UUA overlords