Don’t bother telling me it’s too early to think about Christmas Eve. As an ordained minister (though not one serving a parish) I know Christmas needs to be planned well in advance. And while the ideas I’ll be blogging about are not (for me) actionable, they’re not too early. I do hope they’re useful for… Continue reading Getting ready for Christmas Eve
Category: Food
Working to help the hungry: thoughts public and private
I live in Washington, D.C., and I care deeply about my city. In particular, I hate when it becomes an eponym for political misdeeds or a focus of scorn. Remember: the 600,000-plus people of the District of Columbia don’t even get voting representation in Congress. And the Congress reserves for itself the power of our… Continue reading Working to help the hungry: thoughts public and private
The new national weight loss plan
Over the years, I’ve tried to lose weight and am fully aware of what works for me (eating high-fiber, low-fat vegetarian food; counting and recording calories) and what doesn’t (everything else). My reasons for trying to lose weight, however, have changed. The vain reasons of youth have become the health-preservation demands of middle age. Why,… Continue reading The new national weight loss plan
Tea is good
Unitarian Universalist minister, blogger and friend Victoria Weinstein is in London drinking good tea, among other pursuits. I love tea, and drink it in great quantities. Apart from being delicious and refreshing, tea is an extraordinarily good value; very good tea can be had at a very small cost per serving. But even good leaves… Continue reading Tea is good
Thinking about food
No great thoughts today. Just a continuous stream of the same (and literally visceral) thought today: food. What I can have, when I can have it. I’ve begun to count calories again today. I’ve been picking up weight lately. My clothes are tight, my digestion is a wreck and I feel underpowered. I know from… Continue reading Thinking about food
Emergency preparation: can stove
I think my several years of childhood in hurricane-vulnerable New Orleans has deeply affected my approach to emergency preparation. When there’s news of very bad weather coming, the first thing I do is put back at least two gallons of drinking water (Dutch ovens are good, plus a pitcher in the fridge) and plug in… Continue reading Emergency preparation: can stove
“The Story of Bottled Water”
A great video; a follow up to The Story of Stuff. The video is more than eight minutes long, so I suspect it’s use is best for those who are already convinced to make a case, rather than sugesting your indifferent friends to watch it. The matching site also has other resources, including an annotated… Continue reading “The Story of Bottled Water”
Easter Butterlamb 2010
Don’t worry: he’s really vegan margarine.
The coming calorie counts
A bit off-topic, but my favorite part of the insurance reform bill that I’ve actually read is a little-discussed section expanding calorie count information for chain restaurants (of twenty locations or more)and vending machines. At least I can understand it, and I suspect it will be helpful for many people who are trying to maintain… Continue reading The coming calorie counts
The palate betrays
If you’ve battled with excess weight and it’s ever ground down your self-esteem, you should read David Kessler’s The End of Overeating. An important, helpful book. Or you can start with this excerpt from The Guardian printed a couple of weeks ago. (Meant to get this short post out a while back. Blogging with be… Continue reading The palate betrays