Bread afflicted? Praise for potato

In addition to other life choices, I want to eat more locally. These days, a lot of people do. But I know that if I shop at a farmer’s market, I’m likely to be offered selection of expensive greens (that aren’t filling), breads and soups (where do the raw materials come from?) or meat (which… Continue reading Bread afflicted? Praise for potato

Ethical consumption update

The pressure on world grain production — crop failures, diversion of biofuel production — has created huge price increases and I have a hard time imagining how millions of the world’s poorest people will manage to eat when they get priced out of the cheapest food available. Point one: Cyclone and storm damage leaves Bangladesh’s… Continue reading Ethical consumption update

Tiny Firefox diet hack

You could use the Calorie King toolbar to look up the nutritional information of food — I record everything I eat — but I think that takes up too much monitor space. Instead, I added Calorie King as a search engine in the pull-down search engine bar at the upper right hand side of my… Continue reading Tiny Firefox diet hack

“Good boys deserve treats” and other lies I’m unlearning

When I lose excess weight successfully, it isn’t because I found a must-do diet or skinny-sinful recipes.  It’s because I have a more conscious understanding about how I relate to food. It’s OK to be a little hungry sometimes. I’m safe. I’m not going to starve. (Millions of others should be so fortunate.) I don’t… Continue reading “Good boys deserve treats” and other lies I’m unlearning

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