What a dangerous man might say

David Burton, president of the American Unitarian Conference and one of my parishoners, preached on Sunday. This is the man John Buehrens “outed” as a “paid conservative lobbyist” and all-around threat of Mom, Tofu Pie, and Unitarian Universalism. You can read Why God is Necessary to Our Humanity (and judge) for yourself.

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More on world faith websites

A follow up to my earlier appeal for websites about world religion and appropriate for children. Of the several hints offered (thank you) this one is the best : http://www.assemblies.org.uk/standing/world_religions/ And one just for the adults, http://pluralism.org/wrgb:Pluralism Project

A young adult ministry

Here at the office following an amazing experience. Four college-aged persons arrived unannounced at the church door, wanting a tour. They were from the Columbia, Maryland suburb, and one of the four knew about Unitarian Universalism. (Her parents had been married in a San Francisco Bay area UU church.) They were interested and keen, especially… Continue reading A young adult ministry

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Open inquiries

So, there are two lines of thought I’ll be following in the next few months, and both have practical sides. What is the purpose and meaning of confirmation? On what basis would a newly constituted Universalist Christian church be founded? Ideas?

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World religion websites for use with children

Do any of you know and use a reliable website about world religions with material suitable for children? I’m leading my RE person to www.religioustolerance.org and www.bbc.co.uk/religion/ but would like to add two or three more resources. Fair, accurate, and age-appropriate are essential characteristics. Any help appreciated; please leave ideas in the comments section so… Continue reading World religion websites for use with children

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Back from the breather

Had to take a few days away from the blog to get two other Movable Type projects underway. The first is UUChristian.net which will host several blogs by UU Christians, and when I point UniversalistChurch.net over there, this blog, too. Fish Bowl is the first of the blogs, and something of a training ground. [2009-08-13.… Continue reading Back from the breather

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Remembrance of sermons past

Later this month, a lay preacher will give one of my predecessor’s old sermons. Seth Rogers Brooks (d. 1987) was minister of the Universalist National Memorial Church from 1939 to 1979, and leaves quite a shadow. He was one of the leading voices against the 1961 Universalist and Unitarian consolidation, and this hasn’t helped his… Continue reading Remembrance of sermons past

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Back from Rome

So, no, I didn’t post from Italy, and I’m not convinced that anyone even noticed. (This is something of a specialized weblog.) Yes, the wedding was lovely. And, yes, Rome was grand (and quite hot, but better that than the perpetual rain and mist that typified Spring 2003.) Perhaps I’ll get a few pictures up… Continue reading Back from Rome

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