I’ve not had much to blog lately. Nothing pertaining directly to the crises in Ferguson or New York City, nor to the related demonstrations in many cities, including Washington. Nothing about Advent or liturgy—something justifiably seasonal—either, and neither lint-pulling nor crabbing seemed appropriate. There’s a time and place for everything, and I’d like to work… Continue reading Looking up and seeing malice
Category: Kingdom of God
Thankful on an autumn day
Daisy the Dog has been recovering from an injury and today was a high point. Clean dressings, fewer drugs and no vet visit tomorrow. She’s on the mend. We’ve gone to the vet every day for several days, and I usually pick up Daisy on the way home. But before we make it home, she… Continue reading Thankful on an autumn day
R&E Newsweekly: Rwandan Genocide twenty years on
A must-watch report from Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. I was ready to see reminders of the horrors, but the acts of reconciliation were unexpectedly disarming and humbling. For more detail and a transcript, click here.
Fred Phelps, 1929-2014
Fred Phelps, an infamous hatemonger under the cover of a pastor’s call, died today. I won’t weep for him, or pretend to. I won’t yell or call for pickets in retribution. I endorse the “stay cool” platform floated on the web, if not the “ignore him” plank. We can’t afford to ignore what he and… Continue reading Fred Phelps, 1929-2014
No democracy can be real…
No democracy can be real which shuts out half the people. Women should therefore have equal economic, social and political rights with men. A Declaration of Social Principles (1917)
If you’re thinking about giving money for Philippines storm relief
If you’re thinking about giving money for Philippines storm relief, please seriously consider giving money to the World Food Program USA. Perhaps you’ve heard about rations — “high energy biscuits” — being flown in. The WFP provides these, and that’s the kind of practical we-need-that-now help needed now. More info about the high energy biscuits… Continue reading If you’re thinking about giving money for Philippines storm relief
Homeless people using smartphones
In case you missed it … read “A Homeless Man and His BlackBerry” by Kat Ascharya. For more on the subject, see “How Smartphones Throw the Homeless a Lifeline” by Margaret Rock. I’m not a big fan of techo-utopianism, but these article make a good case for seeing that vulnerable and homeless people have access to… Continue reading Homeless people using smartphones
Justice for interns, generally
“Why Won’t Obama Pay His Interns?” by Evan McMorris-Santoro (Buzzfeed) (Yes, there’s implied criticism of the Unitarian Universalist ministerial internship system.)
Thinking of Norway
It’s been a year since the lethal attack in and around Oslo, killing 77. Spare a prayer, please.
Occupy: D.C., New York, Davis or where-have-you
I’d hate for my readers to think that my few comments about the Occupy movement suggests I’m uninterested. Far from it. Indeed, I’m very mad and deeply concerned about yesterday’s pepper-spraying of student demonstrators at University of California Davis. Google for it, if you’ve not seen this now-iconic photograph. But I comment mostly by Twitter,… Continue reading Occupy: D.C., New York, Davis or where-have-you