Religious life and ethical consumption are two of my interests. Non-Jews might miss growing story in the Jewish and secular press, so I want to mention Hekhsher Tzedek, a new kosher certification that includes the ethics of production in parallel with religious regulation. (For news about it, it’s easier to follow Rabbi Morris Allen’s blog.)… Continue reading New ethical certification for kosher food
Category: Labor unions
Formerly “Unions and unionism”.
Prayers for the National Day of Prayer
Since the recognized avenue for National Day of Prayer observances — supported by quite a few governors, but gladly not the Mayor of the District of Columbia so far as I’ve found; is yours one? — is a conservative Evangelical task force (Christian Science Monitor), I think I’ll keep my distance. But a couple of… Continue reading Prayers for the National Day of Prayer
Union-made men’s dress shirts
I’m losing weight — 34 pounds so far — and am beginning to swim in my old clothes. I had already planned to replace much of it because they are showing signs of wear, but only with clothes I know can be sourced without sweatshops. I’ve had to step back a bit from my US-made,… Continue reading Union-made men’s dress shirts
All this talk of IDs . . . .
Several people have resumed discussion of General Assembly: of this, I have nothing to add. But it leads me to a bit of good news. I am back to the weight shown on my driver’s license, long a fiction. More than 20 pounds down from where I was when I started to loose weight at… Continue reading All this talk of IDs . . . .
Samuel Gompers memorial
Pictures — below the fold — I took today of the Samuel Gompers memorial here in Washington. On Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. between 10th and 11th Streets. This area is much improved, close to union halls and the hostel. Happy Labor Day! Solidarity forever!
Parson’s Handbook: avoid sweatshops
Dearmer, in his introduction, reviews the poor esteem his Church then held for the arts: how commercial purchase has replaced patronage for its decorations and furnishings. Little wonder — it follows — how little concern artists have for the Church. In case the Unitarian Universalists out there have glazed-over eyes, I should point out it… Continue reading Parson’s Handbook: avoid sweatshops
Ethically-sourced laptops: just finding vendors
Following up on Ms. Theologian’s comments about who really makes laptop computers (Surviving the Workday), I thought I would point out two sources. These really are the exception to the rule, and even these use foreign-made components, including those sourced from China. But at least you can email someone and get a straight answer. Like… Continue reading Ethically-sourced laptops: just finding vendors
Solidarity forever and ever, amen
The Rev. Andii Bowsher (Nouslife) — one of my favorite bloggers, he even uses Ubuntu Linux — writes about unionized clergy. (A subject I follow.) Seems some Church of Scotland ministers or staff have representation, which was news to me and that Amicus, the main UK union with clergy, has merged with a transport union… Continue reading Solidarity forever and ever, amen
Newletter to help identify union-made goods, services
I’ve gone over and over how I try to buy US and Canadian union-made goods to ensure the goods I buy were produced with consideration for the workers who make them, and to try to keep a variety of industries on these shores. (Just imagine the cost of imports as transport fuel costs increase.) But… Continue reading Newletter to help identify union-made goods, services
GA 2007: Unionized hotels
According to Hotel Workers Rising, a campaign of UNITE HERE!, the following Portland, Oregon hotels have unionized workers (direct link): Portland Hilton 921 SW Southwest 6th ave Portland, OR 97204 The Benson Hotel 309 SW Broadway Portland, OR Phone: 503-228-2000 The Paramount Hotel 808 SW Taylor Portland, OR 97205 Phone: 503-223-9900 The Hilton is an… Continue reading GA 2007: Unionized hotels