We are not powerless

As we approach Christmas, and before our collective attention span shrinks as short as the daylight, I want to put a concluding thought on the series of posts around Unitarian Universalist social engagement, though I expect to come back to the theme. The big takeaway is that we are not powerless. Political and social influence… Continue reading We are not powerless

Doing this good work on the cheap

I’ve been very touched by the comments, here and on Facebook, on the previous posts (one, two, three) on the theme of changing Unitarian Universalist public engagement. A thought or two now about resources. The title, “Doing this good work on the cheap” has a few meanings: Recognizing that we tend to support this work… Continue reading Doing this good work on the cheap

The peril of general reform

For the last two days I’ve written about the strong tendency of Unitarian Universalists to engage in political activity that addresses the emotions more than having demonstrable, desirable policy outcomes. So, what kind of outcomes should we expect? Perversely, I think we think too large, too grandly, and this is something we share with other… Continue reading The peril of general reform

Old models and new media

Before turning to the practical, following up on yesterday’s post about Unitarian Universalist functional discomfort with political power to effect good outcomes for people in hard situations. As before, I’ll keep this brief. First, we give too much weight to “golden age” models of public witness. By which, of course, I mean demonstrations and opportunities… Continue reading Old models and new media

Why merely cope, when you can accomplish?

I’ll keep this brief. I don’t know what to make of the kind of political and social liberalism that Unitarian Universalists so typically dwell in. And because this includes some friends, I don’t particularly enjoy pointing this out, but not saying something isn’t at all helpful. But I already can feel the news cycle pivot… Continue reading Why merely cope, when you can accomplish?

Looking up and seeing malice

I’ve not had much to blog lately. Nothing pertaining directly to the crises in Ferguson or New York City, nor to the related demonstrations in many cities, including Washington. Nothing about Advent or liturgy—something justifiably seasonal—either, and neither lint-pulling nor crabbing seemed appropriate. There’s a time and place for everything, and I’d like to work… Continue reading Looking up and seeing malice

Watching Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, 2014 edition

I’ve written before how state adoption of the Revised Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act — look; RUUNA, a UU acronym with no Unitarian Universalist reference — can make church organization easier and polity more organic, rather than always borrowing the idiom of corporations or trusts. It is being considered this year/session in two states: South… Continue reading Watching Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, 2014 edition