No-one likes a Universalist with a social disease

Prowling the Internet tonight for websites related to the dissemination of practical information to persons in developing countries, an interest I’ve had since childhood. (Yes, I was a bit of an odd child, but then again, I figured once The Bomb dropped, and assuming I survived, I thought it would be worth knowing how to… Continue reading No-one likes a Universalist with a social disease

Another word on wedding, or, a (web) eye on arranging space for worship

I recall a few years ago that when a couple decided to broadcast a live video of their wedding it made international news. No more, it seems, in these last days. But don’t get me started about the institution of marriage, well, until later anyway. A couple of days ago, I stumbled across a small… Continue reading Another word on wedding, or, a (web) eye on arranging space for worship

Deacons or not, a resource for caring

There’s a rather nicely put together Catholic apostolate with ready to download material that has care/outreach material that might be good for deacons or deacon-like caring associates. Link: Lay Pastor Society

Web wish list: a page about using turkey roasters

I know you must be thinking “Scott’s flipped his lid” or “The secrets of Universalism are encoded here somehow” — no, this is an appeal for institutionalizing folk knowledge about creating fellowship meals for smallish churches. My current church has at least one electric 18-quart turkey roaster. So did my last church, and, in fact,… Continue reading Web wish list: a page about using turkey roasters