Clergy sexual misconduct site resumes

I’m glad to see Speaking Truth to Power — a site addressing clergy sexual misconduct (CSM) resume. In its own words, “its specific focus is Unitarian Universalist processes for dealing with CSM.” Though popularly conflated with child sexual abuse, the risk of clergy sexual misconduct remains and in a congregational system there’s little natural recourse… Continue reading Clergy sexual misconduct site resumes

Newsletters: more on the “why?”

The snow has stopped falling here in D.C., and I’m tired of writing about it. Back to church administration. Earlier, I wrote that much of the utility of newsletters — not e-newsletters, but the ones handed to you or sent by mail — comes from their physicality, thus providing a connection to the ministry that… Continue reading Newsletters: more on the “why?”

What was a Unitarian Universalist organization? Mellower days

The following is a verbatim listing circa 2005 of what had as “all organizations” — including independent affiliates, seminaries, local ministries, various resources (including three of my own defunct or re-routed sites) and even businesses. There was a wisdom to this, echoed today in the listings at, that I’m afraid has been lost.… Continue reading What was a Unitarian Universalist organization? Mellower days

End-of-year giving: good choices and a particular option

I stand for fiscal responsibility in non-profit organizations. Money entrusted for the common good should be used wisely and efficiently. Donors should — and increasingly do — seek out organizations with desirable missions and with the capacity to work efficiently. I’ve been critical of churches that function like clubs as betraying this calculus; why, for… Continue reading End-of-year giving: good choices and a particular option

First Universalist, Providence hosts expanded food bank

A church close to my heart — First Universalist, Providence, R.I. — is the new, larger home for a food bank sponsored by the Providence In-Town Churches Association, of which First Universalist is a member. With the new site comes a change of method: clients can choose the food they need rather than receiving pre-packed… Continue reading First Universalist, Providence hosts expanded food bank

Obligatory weightloss resolution

Graham (and comment team) at Leaving Munster and Brian at The Beautiful Heresy — two religion bloggers I follow — have announced their weight-gain agita and a resolution to loose the same. Last year was good for weight loss: I have kept off more than thirty pounds, but yesterday’s weigh-in shows I have another 19.5… Continue reading Obligatory weightloss resolution

So, what happened to FUUSE?

Was the once-much-acclaimed youth and young adult site simply a victim of social networking concentration — mainly to Facebook — or is there something more to the story? ‘Cause I went over there to see what was new and it’s a ghost town. Not that I have much love for anything name with a… Continue reading So, what happened to FUUSE? 3 is out

Like Michelle Murrain, I’ve been using the free and open-source office suite “before it was” — thanks to the good example of the Labarum military chaplaincy liturgy site, which released some of its files in the older Star Office format. I’m also glad the new version of has, for the first time,… Continue reading 3 is out

Use case: helping the small town pastor

Let me introduce my user case doppleganger, The Rev. Angela Mather. She’s the minister of the Lower Walnut Universalist Church in Lower Walnut, Maine. I mention her because she could use some help with free and open-source software solutions. Actually, she could use any number of solutions. And we’re going to help her out. Her… Continue reading Use case: helping the small town pastor