The tickler file

A key premise in my life is that sane, progressive people need to stay healthy, debt-free, focused, and mutually-supportive or we’re never going to make it. Read a lot of the projects I’ve mentioned or pointed to on this blog in supportive of this goal. As a group, we need to be lean, efficient, and… Continue reading The tickler file

Feeling broken, car-free, and good ministry in DC

Not much blogging today: I’m at home with a pulled back and throbbing knees. A day in bed with Advil and a heating pad, grateful that there’s not memorial service to do or sermon to preach. (I’ve done both in great pain; it’s nice not being essential and on-call all the time.) En route to… Continue reading Feeling broken, car-free, and good ministry in DC

London’s bus campaign for Washington

Bus-loving people will have already seen the London ‘My other car is a bus — new advertising campaign — I only wish I could get one of the bumper stickers! That said: Washington’s buses could use some more practical help, especially with the capacity of the Metrorail system being stretched towards breaking. We all know… Continue reading London’s bus campaign for Washington

Reprise of “involuntary simplicity”; more ideas

I got a very thoughtful comment this morning on my “Involuntary Simplicity” article from March. I think my commentor had a few things worth saying, so the link. A few more thoughts. I am not a vegetarian, but a lot of Universalist Christians are, and they get there from a moral direction. I just can’t… Continue reading Reprise of “involuntary simplicity”; more ideas

Involuntary Simplicity

When I reviewed my statistics, I discovered the phrases that pulled in the most visitors is “voluntary simplicity.” Indeed, my denunciation of voluntary simplicity as a toy of white, middle class liberals is #30 in the search for “voluntary simplicity”! (that article) Recently, I read a review of the magazine Real Simple that denounced… Continue reading Involuntary Simplicity