Ubuntu Linux followup

Graham commented, after I mentioned I had installed Ubuntu Linux on my home computer: “Ooh, do let us know how you get on.” I’m getting on quite well, and I think it is the best Linux distribution for home and church office desktops I’ve seen to date. But it isn’t for most people yet. The… Continue reading Ubuntu Linux followup

Looking at UUA.org

After identifying what I think are the best tiny church and best general church website (and hinting broadly at the worst site) in the Unitarian Universalist Association, I’m now setting my sights on UUA.org. While it is better than the Episcopalian’s unnavigable Flash-fiesta (you’ve been warned) it is still getting a bit — um —… Continue reading Looking at UUA.org

Pastor’s little helper?

PeaceBang is not unreasonably sour about iPods (“Mother’s Little Helper“) after reading an unthink-piece by and about plugged-in soccer moms in Newsweek. PB paints the iPod as audio Valium, and perhaps that’s fitting in their case. My experience is that is more like audio cannabis, if the 60s hype of “enhancing experience” is even half… Continue reading Pastor’s little helper?

Ubuntu up

I’ve been Linux-happy and Microsoft-free at home for a year and a half. Last night, I installed the new desktop darling of the Linux world — Ubuntu Linux — and I’m sold. It is better integrated and easier to add new software packages than the other Linux distributions I’ve installed. Linux and open-source software generally,… Continue reading Ubuntu up


UU means Unitarian Universalist. LUG means Linux Users Group. So, are any of my readers — I suppose you needn’t be a Unitarian Universalist, really — Linux users? Please leave a comment. The occasion for asking is that I’m considering moving from Mepis Linux, a Debian distribution to Ubuntu. (I used to use Mandrake, but… Continue reading UU LUG?