Be prepared children: we’re heading for heavy church-geek waters. The Rev. Chris Tessone (Even the Devils Believe) has typeset some public-domain chant settings using a TeX-derived application, OpusTeX. TeX (pronounced with a Greek chi) is a venerable typesetting system, still widely used through template packages and even graphic interfaces. In computing terms, there’s something foundational… Continue reading TeX and LaTeX for chants
Category: TeX-LaTeX
Two delightful typefaces for your church newsletter
When it comes to techy stuff, I have the attention span of a hummingbird. After begging off the advanced typesetting TeX, LaTeX, etc. software systems in January, a comment by Dan Harper has me trying to learn it all over again. This time I’m actually reading the tutorials and doing the exercises rather than doing… Continue reading Two delightful typefaces for your church newsletter