Fascinating. Announced today: We are really pleased to announce Ubuntu Open Week! Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. We organise this week for the beginning of a new release cycle to help new contributors get involved.… Continue reading Model: Ubuntu Open Week — what if churches . . . ?
Category: Ubuntu Linux
New version of Ubuntu Linux due tomorrow
Ubuntu Linux 8.10, codenamed “Intrepid Ibex”, is due out tomorrow, October 30. Even though it doesn’t have tons of new features — and won’t include OpenOffice.org 3 by default; it came out too late to be included, but can be added by end users — I’ll be sure to upgrade it tomorrow. (The last edition,… Continue reading New version of Ubuntu Linux due tomorrow
What kind of hardware does your Ubuntu computer have?
I got my laptop secondhand, so I wasn’t entirely sure what I had. The following command not only details my hardware, but creates an HTML (web page) file for reference, which you can then read in a browser like Firefox. Which is good news for me: turns out there is lots of room for more… Continue reading What kind of hardware does your Ubuntu computer have?
Episcopalians, meet Ubuntu
It’s no secret I have little patience for the Episcopal Church of late, so I wasn’t looking out for the theme of the 2009 General Convention. The Topmost Apple, an Episcopalian blogger I follow, presumably has more patience for the Episcopal Church, but little regard for the theme, which is “Ubuntu: I in You and… Continue reading Episcopalians, meet Ubuntu
File rescue with Ubuntu Linux
A word to my Windows-using readers. You know I love Linux, and use Ubuntu Linux at home and work. I hope you would give it a try but would understand if it doesn’t appeal to you, or (at least) you get enough value from a Microsoft product to stay put. But there’s still a good… Continue reading File rescue with Ubuntu Linux
A blog mirror
I have an odd set of interests, or odd enough to seem distinct. But the Internet is a big non-place and finding a parallel is inevitable. I’m terribly fond of a blog — UbuntuCat — described as “Random musings from the radical feminist Christian antiracist left – some having to do with Ubuntu.” If you… Continue reading A blog mirror
What to expect from Ubuntu Linux
Last week, Michael Horowitz, writing his Defense Computing column for CNet makes the case that Linux — specifically vanilla Ubuntu Linux — is a more intuitive next step for Windows user than the Mac is. Using screenshots, he shows what a first-time Ubuntu Linux user would see and how it jibes with what a Windows… Continue reading What to expect from Ubuntu Linux
Got the GA media feed to work in Linux
Still not thrilled with using a proprietary media format, but first things first. I got it to work. With wifi no less. (And you get to see what my desktop looks like.) Now, how did I do it? Not entirely sure. I am using VLC — the Swiss Army knife of media players; available for… Continue reading Got the GA media feed to work in Linux
Open media formats for Unitarian Universalists
Are there any Unitarian Universalists — or keen open codec advocates who read this blog — who use Ogg Vorbis (audio) or Ogg Theora (video) to play, share, stream or store media? These are free and open-source media formats. I may have a project. In related news, I bought a refurb digital audio player (“MP3… Continue reading Open media formats for Unitarian Universalists
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 is here
I’ve been using Ubuntu Linux as my operating system of choice since 2004, and upgraded to the newest version (technically the release candidate) yesterday, also known as “the Hardy Heron”. The proper release is today, and if you’ve never used Linux, I hope you give it a try. It isn’t a radical improvement over the… Continue reading Ubuntu Linux 8.04 is here