I just got a pseudonymous email, informing me of the publication of a new edition of the satirical magazine, The Beacon. A magazine that proves that just because something’s not factual doesn’t mean it’s not true. Here’s the link. (PDF)
Category: Unitarian Universalist family matters
I wish Unitarian Universalism was a game!
One set of people suggests liberal religion, and Unitarian Universalism particularly, is easy, insincere and a mental or spiritual plaything because of its inherent looseness and high regard for personal autonomy. Another set of people — that’s us — seems to take that that as a challenge, rather than opportunity to correct our behavior or… Continue reading I wish Unitarian Universalism was a game!
We’re not here for you to validate us…
So, my dear Unitarian Universalist Christians, see if this sounds familiar. You let your Christian faith be known at church or fellowship or what-have-you and someone asks “how does that work?” or “have you considered the United Church of Christ?” — or something actively negative, suggesting that you shouldn’t be there at all, as if… Continue reading We’re not here for you to validate us…
The charisma of the Universalists
Over the last few days, I’ve chatted with some minister friends about the appeal of the Coptic church, particularly with respect to its antiquity, perseverance under genuine persecution (particularly lately) and the beauty of its liturgy. And I almost decided not to mention these attributes in blog post, and I wondered why I felt that… Continue reading The charisma of the Universalists
The anxious presence
A few days ago I experimented with my Facebook and Twitter feeds. This was about when the crisis in Baltimore was getting hot, and I could already see the signs. Unitarian Universalists — I’m thinking of ministers particularly, because that’s who I know mostly, but I see lay persons do this, too — would bring… Continue reading The anxious presence
The only thing people are going to talk about today
The only thing people are going to talk about today in Unitarian Universalist-land is the announcement yesterday from Starr King School for the Ministry that their Ad-Hoc Committee had reported out about the crises associated with their presidential search process last year. There’s just so much in the letter and the three documents you can… Continue reading The only thing people are going to talk about today
Preserving Unitarian Universalism
So, I’m waiting for Lucky Dog to come on this morning, with CBS This Morning (which comes on just before) on in the background so I don’t miss it. There was a segment about digitizing The Spirit of St. Louis and other Smithsonian-held artifacts through 3-D scanning. Even President Obama got the treatment, like President… Continue reading Preserving Unitarian Universalism
Is Unitarian Universalism too large?
I’ve been thinking about the general fellowship of Unitarian Universalists — I often do, and I mean more than the membership of churches though the UUA — both because of the current crises at Starr King School for the Ministry, and the pan-mainline concern about ministerial salaries, maintaining buildings and (generally) the survival of theological… Continue reading Is Unitarian Universalism too large?
(Talk about) the Fellowship movement never dies
So, there was a discussion on Facebook about — in so many words — the Fellowship movement, midcentury Humanism and church development. But with all things Facebook, it’s as hard as Hades to find it once the thread grows cold. And since my long comment was essentially a blog post, I thought I share it… Continue reading (Talk about) the Fellowship movement never dies
St. Mary, Mother of God, pray with us
Less a proper blog post than a thought, perhaps to amplify later. I’ve read — but forget where — that Christmas is the time when Protestants become (more) Catholic. A higher regard for the saints and the generous use of medieval images come to mind. Not just the “you and me Jesus” focus that, in… Continue reading St. Mary, Mother of God, pray with us