So, who’s going to General Assembly? Who’s following from home?

Just a check in. And a roll call. So, who’s going to General Assembly in Portland, Ore.? Who’s following from home? I’ll not be there in person, and I’m not sure how much I can watch: I may need to rely on bloggers and twitterers using #uuaga. And a request for those who will be… Continue reading So, who’s going to General Assembly? Who’s following from home?

Categorized as Universalism

Economics of Ministry, 1856 edition

Before the #sustainmininstry thread fades (presumably to revive at General Assembly) I wanted to meditate on how our ancestors coped. In my last blog post, I opined that ministerial shortages were practically a tradition. So is coping with meagre funds. This theme cropped up continuously when I worked on my never-finished master’s thesis — golly… Continue reading Economics of Ministry, 1856 edition

Judith Sargent Murray commemorated

Judith Sargent Murray, Universalist author and catechist, died this day in 1820. Married to “Father” John Murray, Mother Murray was esteemed among the founders of Universalism, and — with the rediscovery of her letter books in the 1980s  — the subject of study in her own right.

Hosea Ballou commemorated

Universalist minister Hosea Ballou died this day in 1852. (Well, this Universalist saints feature I planned isn’t going as I hoped. Think about Hosea anyway.)

Embedding an book

I got an aside from a Well-Respected Minister who liked “that little book video insert piece” in my last blog post. It’s the BookReader of Internet Archive, the source of the book. I think it’s the best desktop or laptop interface for reading books, and since the Internet Archives has a large number of public-domain… Continue reading Embedding an book

Notes on the 1925 Congregationalist-Universalist unity statement

I just published the 1925 “A Joint Statement on Interchurch Relations from the Commissions of the Congregational and Universalist Churches” but didn’t want to clutter that document with thoughts. Indeed, I’ll want to review some of the standard denomination histories to see why the Universalists aren’t a part of the United Church of Christ today.… Continue reading Notes on the 1925 Congregationalist-Universalist unity statement

A Joint Statement on Interchurch Relations from the Commissions of the Congregational and Universalist Churches (1925)

Printed in Christian Union Quarterly (1925), p. 431ff. A Joint Statement on Interchurch Relations from the Commissions of the Congregational and Universalist Churches The National Council of Congregational Churches and the Universalist General Convention, at their sessions held in October, 1925, referred to the Congregational Commission on Interchurch Relations and to the Universalist Commission on… Continue reading A Joint Statement on Interchurch Relations from the Commissions of the Congregational and Universalist Churches (1925)

Brooks on prayer

I’m moving through my copy of Elbridge Gerry Brooks’s 1874 Our New Departure: or, The Methods and Work of the Universalist Church of America — his manifesto for the Universalist church — to his chapter on prayer. It’s a goldmine of Universalist attitudes, so I’m lifting out quotations; this is the first of two parts.… Continue reading Brooks on prayer