Introductions to Universalism

A nice chat with other member of Universalist National Memorial Church after services today, over coffee. As sometimes happens, the matter of books came up, which merged with another comment about Hosea Ballou, and from there to books about Universalism. I recommended two smallish, straight-forward books and a documentary history, if with reservations. Both are… Continue reading Introductions to Universalism

Atlanta Universalist archive online

I was happy to find this archive, created and hosted by the Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation, of Unitarianism and Universalism in Atlanta, plus the congregation’s own archives. I’d love others to do likewise UU Digital Archive

Transcription workflow notes

So, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, but I’ve not been inactive. And since I have the day off today, I thought I’d catch you up. Over the next couple of days, I’ll be putting up two chapters from the 1946 Parish Practice in Universalist Churches as text; I’ve previously posted it as… Continue reading Transcription workflow notes

Universalist polity document from 1951

Since I earlier opined that some of our conflicted Unitarian Universalist polity is the product of Universalist and Unitarian inheritances, I thought it best to “show my work” — or rather, some original documents. 1951 Universalist Laws of Fellowship, Government and Discipline Some carryovers are obvious, and some fixes necessary. I recall a senior minister… Continue reading Universalist polity document from 1951

Universalist polity persists today

A couple of weeks ago, I was batting back and forth with an informed Unitarian Universalist friend about our polity, when at one point he zeroed in at the settled clergy vote at General Assembly, at which point I had to stand up for the Universalist contribution to our polity. This is my side of… Continue reading Universalist polity persists today

Economics of Ministry, 1856 edition

Before the #sustainmininstry thread fades (presumably to revive at General Assembly) I wanted to meditate on how our ancestors coped. In my last blog post, I opined that ministerial shortages were practically a tradition. So is coping with meagre funds. This theme cropped up continuously when I worked on my never-finished master’s thesis — golly… Continue reading Economics of Ministry, 1856 edition

Embedding an book

I got an aside from a Well-Respected Minister who liked “that little book video insert piece” in my last blog post. It’s the BookReader of Internet Archive, the source of the book. I think it’s the best desktop or laptop interface for reading books, and since the Internet Archives has a large number of public-domain… Continue reading Embedding an book