The Dan Harper-led transcription of Hosea Ballou’s Treatise on Atonement is going well. One of the benefits of typing a text out over scanning and repairing is that you really get to read the text at a speed that you better understand it. So typing benefits you and the general public.
That said, I hope to rally the troops around a transcription of the Life of Murray one day. That’s long been a goal, but a daunting one.
Until then, enjoy The Cornerstone, a children’s book based on the Life of Murray that I tapped out some time back
Oh, yeah, the Life of Murray would be great to put online. Once the Treatise is done, let’s think about that.
Unfortunately, as a middle-aged guy with arthritis in my left hand, I have to limit the amount of typing I do each week. Sigh. So many great Universalist books to type, so little time.