The Christian Universalist site formerly known as is now

It does my mid-thirty-something heart some good to read that its author, Eric Stetson, is in his mid-twenties.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. As a believing Universalist, I’m never quite sure what to make of the movement that is represented on this website. Could it be a kind of popular, salvationist Christianity, minus hell? It generally makes no mention of the Universalist history that UUs who accept Christianity and universal salvation know so well.

    I’ve also read Dr. Tom Talbott’s writings and looked at his website. I’m somewhat unsure about how he might relate to our historical movement.

    I am eager to join hands with universalists of differing persuasions. The more literal, conservative sounding universalists seem to get the most air time. Have people from our crowd had much dialogue with universalist evangelicals?

    John Simcox

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