Comedy is Central

Thanks to James Field for giving us the head’s-up about the extended Unitarian (no Universalists; should I be grateful?) joke on the Colbert Report.

I’m catching it in the repeat. Didn’t know it was a whole show on religion. Loved the feature “Choose Your Apocalypse” comparing Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and the Toyota Camry.

I can kinda see why some of the Evangelicals I like like Tony Campolo.

And I could just about rattle out the Nicene Creed as fast as Colbert. (I attended a mostly Rite One Episcopal student chapel at the University of Georgia.)

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. That was a great show!! For some reason I thought maybe it was a repeat–was it? I have it taped and think it would be great to show Bobby’s clip of trying to explain Unitarianism to church members in a new UU class or articulating your faith workshop. I don’t know, too, but I had a couple of responses immediately: 1. that Bobby’s response was so dead-on and his delivery of it that it had to have been written by a Unitarian; 2. that it might actually recruit some folks to us. LOL.

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