Deep UUA mystery #1

Hubby and I are back from the beach. It was just what we needed. By the way, the Crocs were godsend for the feet and made us the talk of the boardwalk.

There was a letter from the MFC — more about the contents later — waiting for me. How is it that Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel can send me a “personalized” and detailed information packet to re-subscribe to their discounted magazine, but correspondence relating to my professional standing comes as “Dear colleague” on 20 pound copier paper . . . ?

Which has more credibility? Which generates better feelings?

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Scott – I believe you’ve also been called Wells Behee, and Wells Behee has been called Scott Wells. Probably much to your mutual amusement and frustration.

    I’ve never been confused with anybody, but was once asked if I was Rebecca Parker’s son. I’m not. And I don’t know if she even has one. -Derek

  2. Derek’s right. And that one reason people were long shocked that I was as young as I was when attending General Assembly. Let’s see if the United Church people can get my name straight.

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