Fire and Rose

D. W. Congdon’s 2006 writings at The Fire and the Rose have been re-syndicated, so my news reader thinks they’re news. (This happens occasionally, but I don’t know why.)  Just as well: his “Why I Am A Universalist, §6: Jesus Christ, the Judge Judged in Our Place” is a delight. James Relly would feel right at home.

Categorized as Universalism

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Wow! I mean WOW! Thank you so much for the link to D.W.Congdon’s post. I have gone ahead and posted something about it on my blog. I addition, while visiting Mr.Congdon’s blog, I took a side trip to one his links to a site called inhabitatio dei where there was a posting about the Simulacra. Having never been exposed to this before, I couldn’t help but visit something with such a fascinating name. And what a mind-blower!

    Here I discovered what a simulacra is and, most importantly, how The Simulacra of contemporary society exists in a negative relationship to Christianity. Most excellently, dude, on a link from there, I discovered the title of the book Neo opens in the beginnng of the Matrix. I have been trying to find that out forever.

    So, Scott, thanks so much for posting. My head will be very busy tonight processing all sorts of new things and making new neural connections. Blessings.

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