First Universalist, Providence: new website

First Universalist Church, Providence, which formerly had its website hosted at now has its brand new, shiny website at its own domain, Apart from the fact that a largish number of UU bloggers know its minister, the Rev. W. Scott Axford, First Universalist is significant as one of the very rare remaining prayer book Universalist churches and Trinitarian Universalist churches. And it is in the UUA.

Go and see for yourself, either in person or on line.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Lovely!

    And I am glad to see such a non-conforming church amid the non-conforming UUA. There is something lovely about how they go about their dissent from UU orthodoxy. And their continued ministry is a healthy challenge to keep religious liberals thinking outside our own box.

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